Services Offered Prices Comments
Visits Starting at $30 per visit As many visits per day as you would like, to suit your pets’ needs. Each visit is approximately 30-minutes. House sitting services are included (mail, newspapers, plants, trash/recycle bins, etc).
Overnight Stays Starting at $95 per nights This is an 11-12 hour stay, beginning between 7-9 PM. This includes night care and morning care- anything that is involved in your regular nightly routine. House sitting services are include.
Live-In Stays Starting at $145 per 24-hour period by We will be at your home with your pet(s) overnight as well as during the day, with a total of 6 hours out of the house each day for other pet sitting visits, etc. This service includes anything you would like us to do with/ for your pet(s), as well as the security of knowing someone is watching over your home in your absence. House sitting services are included.

*Prices vary depending upon the following circumstances:
Number and types of pets, location/distance from where we are located, etc.

*Holiday surcharges apply on and around all major holidays.